“Don’t focus on having a great blog. Focus on producing a blog that’s great for your readers.”
Brian Clark
Succeed in blogging has to include certainly; providing values to others' reading time, share experiences and knowledge, inspiring and motivate readers to take actions or build their own projects... If the definition mentioned above what you looking for? So, this topic can satisfy your expectations.
- Writing style
- The reader first
- Organize your thoughts
- Clear, short and effective paragraphs
- Simple and meaningful words
Provide values
- Research-Based blog
- Help readers to improve skills
- Stay on top of events
Your readers might include your recruiter
Writing style
- The reader first
A clear purpose and convenient communication it is like your business window must be clear and always clean, in order to provide an unimpeded view of the content to your readers.
- Organize your thoughts
No need for a detailed outline (the more you do, the more you lose the topic goal). But you need to know exactly what you write and say before you type or say anything. Then write all these thoughts on paper and try to arrange them in a logical order. We must avoid any idea not related to the topic.
- Clear, Short and effective paragraphs
Each subtitle or each paragraph must develop one idea and include many sentences, However, the blogging style is less formal and so paragraphs and sentences might be short, which helps readers to absorb and memorize effectively the information.
- Simple and meaningful words
There are several words that can engage your readers more to the content that you offer, here some of them:
- You: The most powerful word, because people are ultimately interested in fulfilling their own needs.
- Because: The more specific you are, the more credible your arguments, to answer the reason of "why" you'll need the word "because".
Provide values
The value of a blog post is that it gets the word out about whatever you want to say. Depending on what you are good at, Let's say in soft skills, problem-solving, programming languages... you can provide value in different ways:
- Research-Based blog
First, a blog with high quality must be helpful, creative, and informational content. For example, creating a data-driven blog can support your argument, use statistical evidence to back-up your writing, it makes your post even more effective.
- Help readers to improve skills
Especially for "How to" blogs, it's always to answer a question, solve a frequent problem, build projects. In this kind of blog, you start from a basic reader's knowledge point (you can provide inside your blog other resources if they are totally newbies but ideally refer to an existing blog from scratch), so clarity and effectiveness are in high demand here. Make sure to be versed with the content that you provide because this is your "motto".
- Stay on top of events
Is one of the effective tips to get consistent hits on your blog. When people searching for news about some special event (pandemic, plane crash, elections results...) There's a good chance your blog may come up on search (it must be well written). Try to stay informed of all about break news, use keywords to search for pieces of information, write, and post quickly.
Your readers might include your recruiter
It may seem intimidating to create blog posts in a world where there are so many of them, don't be discourage every path has its own first steps. Offering answers, information, and values to your readers make your blog great to market your brand, knowledge, and skills. Chances to come across an opportunity to get a job or to get paid in blogging are great.
Remember that people who come across your blog searching for advice, solutions, information... Include these values in your blog and you could become a reputable resource that readers will want to return to.